It has been a few days since the last post, life has been a bit busy to say the least. Jax has been doing great just a bit fussy at night, I have loved the feeling of him falling asleep in my arms at night, I couldn't have imagined how great that would feel. But, here are a few pictures from the photo shoot with Jessica Bennett.
This morning Jaxon was dedicated to the church in front of a lot of his family. Thank you everyone for coming and supporting Jaxon on his big day. He did awesome for his real first outing and did very little complaining.
What an eventful day! We finished up a 4 hour long newborn baby shoot with Jaxon and Jessica Bennett! Didn't realize how hard it would be to shoot photos of him when it is on his schedule and trying to take pictures without the diaper was interesting to say the least and messy to be more specific. He managed to Pee all over the couch, all over the floor and his mom and dad, and then poop in 3 different blankets and on the floor twice. We realized how much of a life saver diapers are. After the shoot we had some great friends come over and hang out with Jaxon while he slept away the exhausting day. Pictures will be uploaded as soon as we get them so stay tuned.
Its been a couple of days but they have been great. Jaxon went to the pediatrician yesterday (there is a picture above to show you what he thought of that) and he did great, he is now 9 lbs. 12 oz. which is already more than what he weighed a birth. He is on track with everything and slowly getting on a feeding schedule. Above is also a picture of his first week of diapers and one of my favorites of mommy and Jaxon.
It really stunk this morning when I had to wake up and leave. I wanted nothing more than to stay home and cuddle with Lauren and Jaxon, but it was time for me to go. So, since I couldn't be with them, I took them with me. This is my shirt I made so I could always look down and see him and these are some of the pictures Lauren sent me that she took during the day. Can't wait until this week is over and I don't have to leave as much.
The last 24 hours Jaxon has been a trooper. He first played for a bit with his cousin, his cousin kicked him from inside Bri so Jaxon decided to poop on him. He then went on to have a great night of feeding and sleep which was a relief to his mom and dad. But, during one of his midnight changings, dad got a little lazy on the diaper procedures and Jaxon decided to throw a line of pee all over his changing table, bassinet, pack & play and wall. Awesome job buddy, mom and dad are proud. When he woke up from a good sleep it was off for his first bath, which he actually loved. I don't think we could ask for a better baby at this point.
We had some family come over this afternoon as he fell asleep so they got a chance to hold him, we are trying hard to get him on a schedule and used to the house so we are trying to keep it to a minimum but if its the right time and they are lucky, they may get to hold him.
It feels good to finally be able to soothe the big guy. Last night was a long night of him being frustrated, tonight is a great night to love on one another. Its hard to find anything that can make me happier than my family.
After the lactation consult we corrected a few things and learned a lot. Jaxon is much happier and calmer today nursing well and relaxing easier. Apparently the first night is usually not very good because he is over stimulated, where was this in the manual. Here are a couple shots of him after nursing.
It has been amazing having Jaxon at the house, the first few hours and the last 1 have been great. All last night though was frustration, he was having some trouble feeding and seemed to continuously struggle with it all night. So, Lauren again took another night with only 2 hours of sleep, but when we got to the pediatrician office he finally decided to eat correctly so now he has been sleeping the whole way home and at the house now. Mom is trying to sleep for a 1/2 hour as well until we have to go to the lactation appointment to get this all sorted out. Thank you for the thoughts and prayers and a big thank you to Grandma for staying with Jaxon and Lauren all night.
We said goodbye to Jaxon's first home and set off for our first. He was checked out and passes all his tests with flying colors. What a great homecoming to arrive with a brand new son.
We have a new arrival at 9 lbs. 8.2 oz. and 22 inches long,,,,JAXON BRANDON KARI. After a 25 hour labor and no sleep for 2 days, we welcomed to the world our beautiful baby boy. We have been trying hard to catch up on sleep but as everyone has previously said, thats not too easy.