Friday, June 4, 2010

Soothing Is So Good

It feels good to finally be able to soothe the big guy. Last night was a long night of him being frustrated, tonight is a great night to love on one another. Its hard to find anything that can make me happier than my family.


  1. Congratulations Lauren & Brandon!
    Jaxon's beautiful and I love all that hair! I've got the 2nd photo of him under "Much Better Day" as our desktop background. Can't wait to hold him.
    Love you,
    Aunt Margaret

  2. Oh you three are so sweet. It's amazing to read the love flow from you. I knew you loved that gorgeous wife of yours more than anything, but to see that love grow astronomically is truly beautiful. Enjoy everyday, it truly truly truly goes way to fast. I miss the late nights, the fussing, the grasp of my finger in the little baby hands. My little boy is now 16 months and has such a unique personality. I enjoy looking at your pictures, and I can't wait to see what amazing artwork you will come up with to reflect this new chapter in your life. I hope to see you guys this summer. January
